Sunday, May 26, 2013

Burned Out or Fired Up?

Do you enjoy your work? Are you fired up about your vocation or job? Do you spend 8 to 12-hour days, doing what you love to do? Do you get to use your gifts and talents to earn a living?

Or are you burned out? Completely unfulfilled? Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere in your career or job? While you’re at work, do you dream about doing something else for a living?
I’m in both places. I’m mostly in the 2nd scenario. I’m pretty miserable at my job. I spend ten-hour days in an office, four days a week. I’ve worked for the same entity for almost 16 years. My positions have changed. I’ve moved to different offices. Sometimes I’ve enjoyed my job, other times I’ve been very stressed out. Lately I feel burned out, useless, like I don’t care, and constantly hate being cooped up in a square room that’s called an office, all day, every day. At the same time I’m grateful to have kept a job during such hard times. But how I feel while at work is still very real.

Then there’s the other scenario. I have a couple of passions: Writing and single-parent ministry. I’m pursuing both. I spend my days off from my job, writing and building a non-profit ministry to single parents. On those days, I’m fired up, thoroughly enjoying what I’m doing and experience great fulfillment. I’ve whined and complained to God about why can’t I do what I love full time and leave the job that I hate? I believe He says I can, but the timing isn’t here yet.
I know God will eventually release me from the “cage” when I’ve matured and grown all that I can there. I also need to hone my writing skills and educate myself using the endless opportunities and resources God provides. Only He can open the door and move me forward. The struggle is intense though and waiting is hard. I believe this time will not be a waste. I also know it isn’t all about me and He has me where I am for His purposes and I should do all I do as unto the Lord.

Which scenario are you in? Burned out or fired up? Share it below.

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